Building Great Businesses with Exceptional People


At SQ Capital we manage five alternative investment funds, Anchor, Primus, Origin, SQL and SQ Cobold. Additionally, we sub-manage two alternative investment funds, Cobold and Cobold Crypto. A new fund that is a platform for investments into smaller-scale businesses and startups with energetic founders, SQ Venture, is live so feel free to reach out.

Want to invest and join the ride? We have to check a few boxes before we start.

Investors in our funds can be persons who, in accordance with the law governing the capital market, are considered professional investors or can be treated as professional investors at their own request, and qualified investors in accordance with the Law on Alternative Investment Funds (hereinafter: the Law).

According to the Act, a qualified investor is an investor who has enough experience and professional knowledge that enables her or him to understand the risks involved in investing in an AIF, investing in an AIF is in line with hers or his investment goals and for the purposes of investing in one AIF she or he is ready to pay a minimum of EUR 53,089.12 or equivalent value in another currency, in the manner prescribed by the rules of the AIF, and which meets at least one of the following two conditions:

the value of his net assets is at least EUR 265,445.62 or an equivalent value in another currency
works or has worked in the financial sector for at least one year in professional jobs that require knowledge of investments that can be compared to investments in UAIF, or his business, either for his own account or for the account of other persons, includes the management, acquisition or disposal of assets of the same in kind as well as AIF assets.

Buying Your share in a fund we manage

Before the initial investment, the Company will collect information about the investor through the Access Statement to determine whether the investor meets the conditions for one of the aforementioned categories of investors. If the investor is not a professional investor, i.e. does not meet the conditions under which she or he could be treated as a professional investor upon request, the Company is obliged to assess the suitability of the investor and determine whether the investor meets the criteria for a qualified investor.

By evaluating the suitability, the Company determines whether the investor has enough experience and professional knowledge to be able to understand the risks involved in investing in the fund, whether the fund's investment goals and strategies are in line with the investor's investment goals, whether the investor has net assets worth at least 265.445,62 EUR or an equivalent value in another currency, and whether the investor is capable of bearing the risks arising from investing in fund shares.
After the adequacy assessment, the Company will inform the investor about the category in which the investor is classified. If the investor cannot be classified in one of the mentioned categories, she or he cannot be an investor in the fund, that is, shares will not be issued to her or him, and any funds paid will be returned to the investor.

For detailed information on investing in alternative investment funds, contact the Company at the Company's headquarters, via e-mail or by phone at +385 1 6468 141.

We look forward to creating great stories together.

What people say about us

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SQ was and still is instrumental to the growth of Codemap and our establishment as the leader in the no-code-talent space.
Beyond access to capital, Janko and the team are true partners before anything else – providing guidance and support across key domains, and significant network value throughout our journey.

Sasa Janicijevic

founder & CEO of Codemap

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Matija Nakic
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SQ is family. They believed in us when nobody else did. We can always count on them to help out with great advice and very concrete actions. They connect us to clients, other investors, and potential partners. Other valuable features of SQ: they don’t pretend they know it all and give complete autonomy to the founders. They will stand by us through thick and thin. We are very fortunate to have SQ as our first investor.

Matija Nakic

Founder & CEO of Farseer

Ivan Klaric
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If there were more investors like Ivan and the team in the region there would be more entrepreneurship. With a natural sense for entrepreneurship and a rich investing experience, SQ guys are putting their money where their mouths are while also personally (hands-on) supporting early-stage founders with global ambitions. It is pleasant to work with Ivan and the guys and to learn from them.

Ivan Klaric

Founder & CEO of Sportening

Sasa Janicijevic
speech marks teal
SQ was and still is instrumental to the growth of Codemap and our establishment as the leader in the no-code-talent space. Beyond access to capital, Janko and the team are true partners before anything else – providing guidance and support across key domains, and significant network value throughout our journey.

Founder & CEO of Codemap

Marko Kovac
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SQ was quick to understand our vision. Getting them on board was a breeze. They supported Repsly in every way they could while letting us manage the company our way. A partner one could only wish for.

Marko Kovac

Co-founder of Repsly

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