The Cinderella story. Although mismanaged and financially shaken, Eonex had the know-how and the references of a much larger-scale company. We took control, removed the mentioned shackles and let it grow. In the past couple of years the number of employees has doubled while today’s EBITDA is above the revenue levels we found ourselves with upon buying the company in 2017.
Eonex, our pride and joy and occasionally a pain in our stomachs. Together with our partners, we took it over distressed, restructured it financially and operationally and set it on a growth path. During our tenure the company has tripled in terms of revenue, doubled the number of employees and a new, state-of-the-art production facility, has been built.
On the surface, the hard-working women and men of Eonex produce high precision, high quality, complex industrial products and medical devices but actually Eonex is a well-oiled and high-tech assembly capable of (and has done so) producing pieces of electric hypercars or being a part of the latest semiconductor manufacturing technology supply chain.
Now that all the pieces of a great and modern company have been put together, the next goal is to widen the spread even further between ourselves and the competition and do more unique, more difficult projects like the mentioned ones while lifting the margins at the same time. Some of the things produced in Eonex are under NDAs but let us just say that the sky is not the limit, literally.
The values we believe we bring to the table are real world experience, transparency, simplicity combined with speed while always having our own skin in the game.
Connecting juniors with employers avoiding loads of emails, bad CVs,... just seamless communication
Get an extensive insight and create actions to boost satisfaction and effectiveness of your team
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